Victoria Hall, Saltaire

Victoria Hall, Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley, BD18 3JS

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3/12 Wurlitzer

English Horn, Harmonic Tuba, French Trumpet, Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Saxophone, Orchestral Oboe, Krumet, Violin, Violin Celeste, Flute, Vox Humana + Digital Piano

Opus Number: 2208

Model: Style Sp 3m

Current Transmission System: Z-Tronics

Original Location: Gaumont Cinema, Oldham

Original Opening Date: 14th June 1937


1937: On the 14th June the Gaumont Cinema, Oldham opened with Jack Fenner at the Wurlitzer.

1961: The Gaumont closed on the 2nd December and the Wurlitzer purchased by the Cinema Organ Society. Who planned to preserve the organ in the Dale Hall, Hampsthwaite.

1966: On the 26th February the Wurlitzer opened at Hampsthwaite.

1988: On the 3rd December the final concert at Hampsthwaite took place and the Wurlitzer was removed and installation was planned for the Trinity Arts Centre in Pudsey.

1991: On the 30th of June the Wurlitzer opened at Pudesy.

1994: The installation at Pudesy was disappointing, the Wurlitzer was removed in December. Thankfully successful negotiations enabled installation to start at the Ritz Ballroom in Brighouse.

1995: The Wurlitzer opened at Brighouse.

c1996: Tuba Horn and Orchestral Oboe were added. The console was altered making it a fully unified 3 manual organ and the addition added to the specification. Z-Tronics relay and setter were added to the organ.

2006: The Wurlitzer was removed from Brighouse. Luckily the Victoria Hall in Saltaire was happy to accommodate the Wurlitzer.

2006-2009: During the installation at Saltaire an English Horn. (Originally from the Metro Theatre Durban, South Africa)

2009: On the 12th April the Wurlitzer opened at Saltaire.

2017: A Wurlitzer Krummet was sourced and installed. The stop list was once again altered and drawn up by Simon Gledhill.