Tower Ballroom, Blackpool
The Tower, Promenade, Blackpool, FY1 4BJ

Daily non-stop dancing provided by a team of organists (See website for rota)
3/14 Wurlitzer
Tuba Mirabilis, English Horn, Harmonic Tuba, Diapason, Tibia Clausa I, Tibia Clausa II, Saxophone, Orchestral Oboe, Krumet, Kinura, Solo String, Violin, Violin Celeste, Flute + Electronic Piano
Opus Number: 2187
Model: Style Sp 3m
Current Transmission System: Solid State
Original Location: In Situ
Original Opening Date: 10th April 1935
1934: Blackpool’s star organist Reginald Dixon was tasked to design a new Wurlitzer for the Ballroom (to replace the existing 2/10)
In 1975 Dixon recalled that Wurlitzer refused to supply an organ without a Vox Humana – ‘It was useless for dance playing, and could not be heard above the background noise on the radio or the old shellac records’, he said.
1948: A Rodgers Tuba Mirabilis was added meaning the Wurlitzer now had 14 ranks.
1951: The Vox Humana was taken out and was replaced by a Rodgers Solo String
1947-1956: At some time between these dates the Harmonic (Quint & Tierce) couplers were fitted and Grand Piano found it’s way to the Tower Ballroom attached to the Wurlitzer .
1956: Disaster struck when a discarded cigarette sent the ballroom up in flames. The Wurlitzer console was ruined, but luckily the pipe work was un-damaged by the heat. £5 million was spent renovating the ballroom to its original glory and the Console was re-built using replacement parts from London’s Gaumont, Holloway Wurlitzer. It is believed that during this re-build, the Rodgers Tuba Mirabilis and Solo String were swapped with Wurlitzer Ranks from the Opera House. The Tuba Mirabilis was a straight swap where as the Rodgers Solo String was swapped with the Operas House’s Gamba Celeste rank. The Grand Piano that had been added in 1947 was also destroyed in the fire; thankfully a Bechstein Grand Piano was sourced and installed.
c1998: Discontinued use Bechstein Grand Piano and the introduction of a MIDI Piano which is played through the organs amplification.
Chamber Layout
MAIN CHAMBER – Left Of Stage
Harmonic Tuba
Tibia Clausa II
Orchestral Oboe
Violin Celeste
SOLO CHAMBER – Right Of Stage
Tuba Mirabilis
English Horn
Tibia Clausa I
Solo String
Glockenspiel, Sleigh Bells, Chimes
Xylophone, Chrysoglott, Piano, Crash Cymbal
The Xylophone, Chrysoglott & Crash Cymbal are located on a shall shelf above the proscenium to the left of the Main Chamber.