The Buttermarket, Shrewsbury

The Buttermarket, Howard Street, Shrewsbury SY1 2LF

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3/10 Wurlitzer

English Horn, Style D Trumpet, Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Saxophone, Clarinet, Kinura, Gamba, Gamba Celeste, Flute + Digital Piano

Opus Number: 2204

Model: Style Sp 3m

Current Transmission System: Wurlitzer Relays

Original Location: Ritz Cinema, Chatham

Original Opening Date: 14th June 1937


1937: On the 22nd March the Ritz Chatham opened with Harold Ramsay at the Wurlitzer.

1940: In October the cinema was take over by Associated British Cinemas. (ABC)

1972: On the 20th May the cinema closed. The Wurlitzer was bought by David Pawlyn, who placed it into storage.

1987: On 12th July the Shropshire Theatre Organ Trust (STOT) was leased the Wurlitzer from David Pawlyn. After several false starts at installing the organ, the Wurlitzer found its way to the Buttermarket Night Club, Shrewsbury. The Wurlitzer came to Shrewsbury minus its Grand Piano. (this is now installed at Paul Kiner’s Music Palace)

1988: On4th December, Dudley Savage opened the Wurlitzer.

1995: On 14th July the STOT bought the organ from David Pawlyn in order to secure its future in the Buttermarket.

1996: A Digital Piano was added.

1999: Quint & Tierce (Blackpool) couplers were added.

2000: An English Horn and Kinura were added – these were made by Boothe’s.

Note: It has been suggested that the original installation would have included a French trumpet; however, the other school of thought that Chatham was the only union setup not to have a French trumpet. The clarinet rank in situ is from the Forum Wythenshawe. It is also believed that the Gamba and Celeste came from The Ritz, Hastings Wurlitzer.

Chamber Layout

MAIN CHAMBER – Left side




Gamba Celeste



SOLO CHAMBER – Right side

English Horn

Style D Trumpet

Tibia Clausa



Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Chimes
