The Burtey Fen Collection, Pinchbeck – 2/11 Wurlitzer
3 Burtey Fen Lane, Pinchbeck, Spalding, PE11 3SR

2/11 Wurlitzer
Harmonic Tuba, Diaphonic Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Kinura, Saxophone, Oboe, Krumet, Salicional, Salicional Celeste, Flute, Vox Humana + Upright Piano
Opus Number: 2042 (Console 2068)
Current Transmission System: Solid State
Original Location: Les Gobelins Restaurant, London
Original Opening Date: March 1929
History of the Pipework (Opus 2042)
1929: The Wurlitzer opened in March in the Les Gobelins Restaurant, London. The same year the Wurlitzer was moved to the PCT Library, London.
1932: On 16th May the Wurlitzer was opened at Gaumont Cinema, Exeter with Fredric Bayco at the console.
1942: The cinema and console damaged.
1962: The remains of the wurlitzer had been removed by John Hayter for installation in a cinema at Crewkerne, Somerset with the Console from the Tivoli, London. This project was abandoned in 1963.
1964: John bought the Wurlitzer for a home installation. This fell through again.
1968: Kaye Gilbert of Yeovil had purchased the Wurlitzer with the console from Regent, Ipswich.
History of the Console (Opus 2068)
1929: On 4th November the Regent Theatre, Ipswich opened with Frank Newman at the console.
1961: George Barlow removed the Wurlitzer and split it up. The console was sold to Kaye Gilbert.
History Continued
1991: The organ was sold by Kaye Gilbert to Rob and Trish Chapman for installation in Tom Thumb Nursery, Spalding. When it was at the Nursery the Wurlitzer gained a Salicional Celeste, Kinura and Brass Trumpet.
2002: The Wurlitzer was bought by the Burtey Fen Collection.
2003: On 31st December the Wurlitzer was opened by Simon Gledhill.