Paul Kirner’s Music Palace, Ynyshir – 2/8 Wurlitzer
Paul Kirner’s Music Palace, Ffordd Yr Eisteddfod, Ynyshir, Porth, CF39 0EL

2/8 Wurlitzer
Tuba Horn, Open Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Clarinet, Violin, Violin Celeste, Flute, Vox Humana
Opus Number: 1199
Model: Style F
Current Transmission System: Wurlitzer Relays
Original Location: Picture House, Leicester
Original Opening Date: cFeb 1926
1926: In February the Wurlitzer was first played in the Picture House, Leicester by Jack Courtney.
1935: Following a change of ownership, the Wurlitzer was removed and reinstalled in the Exchange Cinema, Northampton were it was first played by Frank Slater.
1957: The Wurlitzer was sold and removed by Evelyn Johnson who installed it in his cow shed in Basingbourn.
1967: In October the Wurlitzer was sold to Mike Candy who installed it in his Hemel Hempseed residence.
2015: Mike Candy passed away, and through the Theatre Organ Club, the Wurlitzer was sold to Paul Kirner.
2018: The Wurlitzer opened in the bar area of Paul Kiner’s Music Palace.