‘New Gallery’ Burberry, Regent Street, London
121 Regent Street, Mayfair, London, W1B 4TB

Currently no events planned at this venue
2/8 Wurlitzer
Tuba Horn, Open Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Clarinet, Violin, Violin Celeste, Flute, Vox Humana
Opus Number: 1034
Model: Style F
Current Transmission System: Wurlitzer relays
Original Location: In Situ
Original Opening Date: 12th June 1925
1925: On the 12th June the radically altered and New Gallery Regent Street Cinema opened with Jack Courtney at the Wurlitzer.
1953: Gaumont British Theatres, who by then owned the building, sold the building to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They retained the theatre as was and the Wurlitzer. However the non-tuned percussions were removed and scrapped, except snare drum. The tuned percussions were also disconnected except Chimes – The Chrysoglot was scrapped.
1908’s: The Cinema Organ Society part maintained the Wurlitzer and re-connected some of the tuned percussions.
1992: The church moved out and the building stood empty and unused.
2006: The building was converted into a Habitat furnishings store. The Wurlitzer underwent full restoration.
2011: On 5th March Richard Hills played the last set at Habitat before it closed.
2012: In September the theatre re-opened as a Burberry clothing store. Unfortunately, the Wurlitzer console has now been stowed away in a small storage space behind the screen and in not used but is regularly maintained.