Musical Museum, Brentford, London
399 High Street, Brentford, London, TW8 0DU
3/12 Wurlitzer
English Horn, Harmonic Tuba, French Trumpet, Open Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Saxophone, Kinura, Krumet, Violin, Violin Celeste, Concert Flute, Vox Humana + Grand Piano
Opus Number: 2174
Model: Style Sp 3m
Current Transmission System: Wurlitzer Relays
Original UK Location: Regal/ABC Cinema, Kingston-Upon-Thames
Original UK Opening Date: 15th February 1932
Pre 1931: The Wurlitzer was installed in the Chicago residence of Mr Comstock.
1931: The Wurlitzer was shipped & Installed at the Regal Kingston-Upon Thames. It was at this point the Harmonic Tuba, Chimes and Grand Piano were added.
1932: On the 15th February 1932 the Regal opened with Reginald Foort at the Wurlitzer.
1936: Union Cinema’s bought the cinema. The console was given a illumined surround and Wurlitzer music desk.
1938: The cinema changed hands to Associated British Cinemas (ABC)
1940: In October during the blitz a bomb fell on the theatre, but only mild damage was done to the Wurlitzer.
1946: The Oboe Horn was replaced with a Clarinet (From the Ritz Richmond)
1955: The Clarinet was replaced with a Krumet (From The Dominion Walthamstow)
c1960: The Grand Piano disappeared.
1972: On 23rd October the Wurlitzer was on the move to its new home Musical Museum, Brentford. At this time the museum was located in St George’s Church. Frank Holland and Richard Cole were key in this.
1973: The organ was playing. The Piano was replaced with 7ft Steinway (Originally on the Ritz Nottingham Conacher)
2006: The Wurlitzer was on the move to the Museum’s new building, only a few hundred meters down the road.
Chamber Layout
MAIN CHAMBER – Left of Stage
Open Diapason
Violin Celeste
Concert Flute
Vox Humana
SOLO CHAMBER – Right of Stage
English Horn
Harmonic Tuba
French Trumpet
Tibia Clausa
Grand Piano, Xylophone, Chimes