Leisure Centre, Woking

Leisure Centre, Woking Park, Kingfield Road, Woking, GU22 9BA

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3/19 Wurlitzer

English Horn, Style D Trumpet, Tuba Horn, Diaphonic Diapason, Tibia Clausa I, Tibia Clausa II, Saxophone, Orchestral Oboe, Oboe Horn, Kinura, Clarinet, Gamba, Gamba Celeste, Viole dā€™Orchestre, Viole Celeste, Quintadena, Flute, Flute Celeste, Vox Humana + Electronic Piano

Opus Number: 2220

Model: Style Sp 3m (Granada MKII)

Current Transmission System: Solid State

Original Location: Granada Cinema, Welling

Original Opening Date: 22nd November 1937


1937: The Granada Welling opened on the 22nd November with H. Robinson Cleaver at the console.

1975: The Granada was tripled and the Wurlitzer was retained but not used due to complaints about the noise.

1983: on the 30th of July the Granada closed and the Wurlitzer sold to the London and South of England Chapter and was removed by the technical team under the leadership of Mr Les Rawle.

1994: The Project to install the Wurlitzer In the Leisure Centre, Woking began. Three chambers especially build to house the organ; Main & Solo plus a small chamber in the middle to house the Traps, Glockenspiel and Xylophone, and it also accommodated the Wurlitzer relays. The Blower was to be kept outside the rear of the hall.

1995:  The opening concert took place in August with Len Rawle at the console.

1995-1998: Extra chests were installed in each camber and the following ranks were installed; Style D Trumpet, Tibia Clausa, Orchestral Oboe, Oboe Horn, Viole dā€™Orchestre, Viole Celeste, Flute Celeste & Vox Humana. Some of the ranks were wired into the Wurlitzer relays and played from the piano tabs which were not in use.

1998: The decision was made to create a second stop rail to fully unify the Wurlizter. This meant a total re-build and the introduction of a multiplex system ā€“ Designed By Bill Walker. The work was carried out in four weeks.

2003: A Quintadena was sourced and added.

2004: Clarinet and Kinura were sourced and added, binging the organ to what you see/hear today.

Note: All the additional pipework was supplied by Bob Mayes who couldn’t say where the pipework was originally from – However the Viole is marked ‘Echo Chamber’. It thought then the additions are from very large and early Wurlitzer.

Chamber Layout

(Ranks from shutters backwards)




Gamba Celeste

Diaphonic Diapason


Oboe Horn

Tibia Clausa

Style D Trumpet

Orchestral Oboe


Chrysoglott, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Traps/Effects



English Horn

Tibia Clausa

Tuba Horn

Flute Celeste

Viole Celeste


Viole dā€™Orchestre

Vox Humana